December 29, 2009

Pretending the end of a pop tab is a lip ring kinda hurts.

It turns out maintaining a blog is difficult: thoughts normally come in fragments far too small to make an entry, and deliberately coming up with topics and writing about them seems to defeat the purpose of this blog: writing whatever I'm thinking. Whatever, I guess for now I'll just talk about what would be really cool.

It would be cool if I learned enough practical skills to abandon commercialism and live solely on the abandoned excess of others and what I can fashion with my own hands. A life of zero emissions aside from the CO2 I breathe, a life where work occupies none of my life and I'm free to spend all of my time in learning and creating. I thought of it as an urban hermit, and then realized: I want to be a cool homeless guy. Aren't I awesome?

It would be cool if I had superpowers. Screw super strength and such though, my personal favourites are Super Jumping Power (Think, Quispamsis to Saint John twice over in a single bound. Also, screw flying. Jumping is cooler.), and the ability to store unlimited items in a extradimensional pocket regardless of size or weight, being able to take anything out at any time without the need to search. Allen says the latter is Felix the cat. I'm not familiar with him. Really though, if I ended up getting a chance to choose what superpower I would pick, I would choose the power to heal. The others are just for fun, the power to heal has an actual greater purpose.

It would be cool if all my friends got superpowers and teamed up to fight something. It's especially cool because if you look at it, with my two favoured powers I'd be a healer multiclassed with a dragoon. Also, I've been tempted to take that lord of the rings scene with the "You have my whatever" and edit Ed in saying "You have my skittles". If this happened, I wouldn't need to.

It would be really cool if I changed the world somehow.


  1. I've always wanted to be a homeless person, at least for a while. And by living, you already have changed the world. Congratulations :)

    I've always wanted to not breath underwater, but hold my breath as long as I needed to, like a whale.

  2. Which would also be useful at high altitudes, while playing many instruments, and while exercising. Nice power.

  3. I never thought of it like that, but you're very right. You just intensified my power tenfold.
