February 27, 2012


I'm supposed to try to stop hating myself, but it's so hard. There is a lake of it inside me. I don't hate people very often, and usually when I do it's because I think they are pathetic. And I see that same type of pathicness in me.. Actually, I've heard we tend to hate in others what we hate in ourselves, so I suppose it's my patheticness in them. There's no double standard to abolish or anything like that, although I do have some of those, I just legitimately hate a lot about myself. Most of myself, now that I think about it.

It's so strong right now. The root of my problems is just something so STUPID. Something no one else seems to have problems with. I'm unable to get motivation to do anything that looks like work. Some of that is because of stress from self-hate and anticipation of failure, but I simply don't know how to make myself do something when I don't want to. If I take away everything but it, I will simply do nothing and worry over it. I neglect cleaning, washing, proper eating, friendships, and more and  get failure for my problems.

But if I don't put in my my hours of hate and pain then I don't even have a shadow to hide behind for my failure. At least I sort of tried even though I may not have written two words. Of course, I won't say that, it's just for myself. For other people, my first option is always to hide. I didn't even know I had walls until recently. I hate myself so much that I can't imagine anyone who truly knows me would like me. Normally I don't mind if someone doesn't like me, but that expression-twisting of the mouth in disgust- that hurts me.

Ok, I just sent an email to my brother. I'm probably going to regret this in the morning. No, I AM going to regret this in the morning. Whatever. Here it is :

This is stupid and I shouldn't be doing it. But I'm feeling shitty and
spiteful right now, and I'm trying to stop hiding my emotions. So
there's this.

I'm here to address what you said so often when we were growing up and
you hurt me. "You'll thank me later". Yeah, that's never going to happen.

I'm going to therapy now for my self-hate. It turns out that's the root
of all my problems, and I have quite a few. There is just so much of it
in me. Before I went to therapy it never really registered how MUCH of
it there was, or that it was unhealthy. It's been part of me almost my
entire life. I don't remember when I was a kid very well, but at least
by the beginning of middle school it was flourishing. Part of it came
from NLD, which made people think I was smart but lazy. I internalized
that and decided it was better to fail on purpose than to try and still
fail. A sort of loser perfectionism. You probably didn't have much to do
with that.

What you did do was eternally erode my confidence, teach me to lie, and
teach me to hide my true feelings behind ever-thicker walls to avoid the
ridicule and that damn "are you serious" face. You did that very well;
there is still no one who knows how to read me. Ariel is a freaking
empath and I'm one of only a few people she's ever met that she can't
read. You abused me and told me it was because I was a wimp, that it was
good for me and would toughen me up. I learned being in control made
things hurt less. To stay in control I put on a fool's face and showed
only fake emotion; I brought the mentality that it was better to fail on
purpose than not to my social life. I didn't have any meaningful
relationships between 6th grade and 11th grade. I got better at hiding
any "unacceptable" emotions as I went. I don't know when I started not
crying, but I'd place it at about the start of middle school as well. It
wasn't until this year that the cracks opened enough for me to do it again.

My life didn't really ever start until you were out of it. I stagnated
for years and years with only minor changes, but when you left I finally
started to grow into myself. Grade 12 felt like the best year of my life
because I finally began to rebuild my confidence and gain emotional
bonds. For the first time in many years I began to think more positively
about the future: I who had been passively suicidal for years decided to
try and go to University instead. When I went to STU and became
depressed I did not even consider sharing my situation until I had no
other choice and it would be revealed anyway. I did not feel safe. I
could see the disbelief in all of your eyes. I could feel the coming
conversations telling me to stop being lazy and to suck it up. So I
armed myself with a doctor's signature. It was more than you that made
me feel that way, but you had a big impact. Because of you, I always
feel alone. Because of you, the mere thought of someone truly knowing
me and my thoughts sends bubbles of panic through me.

You are probably the person who has had the greatest impact on my life.
I hated you, but I wanted your approval like nothing else. I needed it
to make me worth something again. It sickens me now. You've changed.
I've changed. But just seeing you makes me start building the walls up
again, makes me feel LESS. When you spoke about living together I felt
nothing less than fear.

So yeah, thanks a lot.


There is so much that I should do that I don't. I feel like a terrible friend, roommate, family member, student, coworker, and basically everything else. I've let friendships die because I couldn't let myself go and have fun while I had stuff to do- but that stuff never got done. That happens a lot, I'll deny myself pleasure or have pleasure dulled to get myself to do something but it doesn't happen. I just sit in my room rotting instead. No matter what I take away from myself nothing happens. But the only other thing I know how to do is to ignore the problems. I have no tools in my toolbox for actually getting things done. I don't have a clue where to start.

February 26, 2012

So what's up with me?

I'm currently in therapy trying to deal with my self-hate. Until I was persuaded to go I did not realize how pervasive or poisonous it is. From the seeds of those sessions, the effect of my relationship with Ari, and the influence of some great stories, I've started to grow a greater understanding of myself and emotions in general. It's not exactly easy, and I'm currently trying to climb out of a self-hate laziness spiral my schoolwork has started to go down. But for the first time in a long time I have a reason to believe I won't just disappoint myself again, and it's nice.

One of my problems is that I need so much time to recharge. Time to myself with a computer or a book just doing something that doesn't matter. I need to "waste time" every day or I go crazy. I think it's just stress I don't know to handle. It's easier to ignore stress when I don't try to solve it's causes.

Something weird: I'd noticed it before, but I move my scalp muscles a lot. Like, in subtle ways as a sort of physical analogue to what I'm thinking/feeling. I think my headaches come from that to a large degree, because when I'm stressed and I pay attention to those muscles they're always pretty tense. I used to say I didn't get stressed, and it was mostly true. But failing and self-hating made me start.

I need to learn to smile and laugh more. Maybe because I feel my laziness so keenly, there's always an undertone of "I'm wasting time and being immature and hateful" when I'm having fun. Or doing anything that's not working productively.

Ok, I have to actually work on that schoolwork about now. I thought this would be more summary and less random shit. More at some point.

Important Things

Yeah, I really doubt anyone still reads this. I was kind of surprised anyone ever really did, and not posting/posting things that I doubt many other people care about certainly didn't bring people in. It doesn't matter much. Rants aren't really my thing anymore, I can't work up the energy. I'm thinking about starting to use this more again now for things that have more to do with me and my emotions/experiences, but I may let that fall through depending. It would be nice to get myself in the habit of being open here to help tear down my emotional walls, but it might just be tiring. TANGENT: I find it odd that I never seem to see anyone else making plans they don't care about the success of.

 I'm much more certain, however, in the future of this blog serving as a sort of archive for things that were important to me at a given time. So I've been collecting links. Honestly it's kind of dumb to talk about an archive and then use a whole bunch of links that will probably decay within a couple years as the base of it, but I'll put some thought into how to back stuff up later. Maybe I can just use links if the WayBack machine or something is capable of retrieving the information.

I meant to sort through all these and write summaries like last time, but there are a lot of them. I think next time I'll write the post incrementally as I accumulate links.

Important things-
We're watching: malls track shopper's cell phone signals to gather marketing data
Getting Ready For When The Industry Tries To Kill 3D Printers | Techdirt
Feminist Porn: Sex, Consent, and Getting Off
Letters of Note: To My Old Master
Jonathan Coulton
Indiana Senate passes bill putting religion in science class
The Shadow Banking System: A Web of Financial Fraud | Common Dreams
One Nation, Under Guard | Techdirt
Joshua Klein on the intelligence of crows | Video on TED.com
SkepticsvRealistsv3.gif (GIF Image, 813 × 555 pixels)

Prince Charles presents proof of profit in sustainable fisheries | Environment | guardian.co.uk


Islam is as Islam does
          ...I'm glad I caught this. I don't agree with all of these. This link is     here because I think it's horrible and people should know that this kind of thinking exists and is influencing people. There's probably others like this.

With its deadly drones, the US is fighting a coward's war | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

Benefit cuts are fuelling abuse of disabled people, say charities | Society | The Guardian

Canada’s C-11 Bill and the Hazards of Digital Locks Provisions | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Slavery Lives on in the United States | Truthout

2011 Green Party Platform - True Democracy | Green Party of Canada

BBC News - The man who hears colour
It's Official: Money Now Governs America | Common Dreams
When Does Violence Matter? | Common Dreams

A lot of these are about the states. There are two reasons for this: I haven't found many local news sources I like, and they're a big bully that doesn't mind pushing it's views on others so it's hard to ignore them.

Disclaimer: these are by no means all the things I found to be important recently. They're just things I felt like sharing as I read them.