April 7, 2010

No topic off limits

I want to do a thing where you ask me questions and I answer them. It can be anything: personal or impersonal, ideas or bananas. The stranger the better. I will answer, I will be honest, as long as you ask. I had a discussion earlier about masturbation habits, Chances are I won't be put off or made to feel awkward by anything you ask.

Edit: excluding of course other people's secrets

Fun Fact: I accidentally first posted this on the wrong blog.


  1. Just a few things, (may be biased since I'm following the well-trodden paths in my own mind):

    1) God. If he exists or not, what do you think the concept of God is if he does exist and how does he relate to us, God's effect or lack thereof on the individual and on society as a whole. :P

    2) Music. What you think of it, what's it's role/purpose, what is the ideal music.

    3) Literature: see 2.

  2. I had a lot of this written out, then accidentally deleted it. It`s too bad they don`t have that useful autosave functions for comments I guess. Interesting side note also: number 1 is basically what one of the choices for my philosophy essay was.

    1) I disbelieve all religions I`m well acquainted with, but some sort of god may exist. If he does exist, based on the observations that there are seemingly inviolable rules to the universe, I figure that, for whatever reason, he wants the rules of the universe rules to be there and adheres to them while within or acting on the universe. That`s all I can really say about the nature of such a creature. I can say that an apathetic or bored god makes more sense to me than a vaguely benevolent god who demands worship, but that`s really just me. I can say that I consider a God who decided for itself what morality is to be, is simply a tyrant. But I don`t know that it does.

    I`d say religion is more important than god on society and people than god itself, and they are two very different things.

    2)Music is wonderful and I love it. It`s a means of communication, as a friend put it, based on producing a reaction in the audience rather than describing something about the communicator. It`s role is too do whatever it does, whether it moves people or helps people move or nothing at all. Music is an individual experience. I don`t think there can be `ideal` music, but if there is it's probably live.

    3. I can't even really touch this, I think it's hugely dependent on the person. You learn from reading though, whether it's empathy or whatever, something is gained.
