August 23, 2010

Fuck it.

I'm not interested in changing the world. I would if it was easy maybe, or if I thought the journey would be worthwhile, but it's not my taste. I kind of regret never actually reading the material in philosophy, there was one guy I thought I would agree with. But I didn't read it, and there's no sense talking about it with no more real information that what would fit into an essay title. I just respect people's perspectives, and just because I believe what I believe that doesn't mean it's "right": although I'm hardly certain something like that exists. All I can do, all that I WANT to do, is to reflect a world greater than this in myself: to show that there's more to existence than the slice we hide ourselves in. Maybe setting a precedent will help somethin; but most likely it'll just fill my need to be spiteful. But hey, spite has always been the best part of me.

I've hid behind laziness and fear for too long. I will prove exactly what is "Just life", and what we simple stop ourselves from achieving. I have no need to violently change my lifestyle, but from now on I will never do something I don't agree with, never align myself with principles I hate. I never actually read Watchmen, but I think I'd like Rorschach from what I have heard. "No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise."

August 22, 2010


I guess it makes sense that the times when I'm in the mood to post on this I'm in a melancholic mood, but I don't feel it gives a truly accurate picture of my personality. So I'm going to try and post more on good days to balance it out.

...Except I can't think of much to say.

Umm. Google Wave, I started using it to better organize writing effort on the book I'm planning to write with David. And It's awesome; it's hard to even categorize what it IS, as it's features are so unique. However, the necessity to learn how to use all this stuff turned most people off of it. When I first heard of it, it was because they were announcing that they were going to stop offering support for it. Kinda sad. But it's still THERE, if you want to check it out. It's primary use is in organization/information sharing with business in mind, but you can use it for a lot more than that- from online roleplaying to a new brand of forum. I predict in ten years or so it'll be back under a different name and everyone will love it.