February 26, 2012

Important Things

Yeah, I really doubt anyone still reads this. I was kind of surprised anyone ever really did, and not posting/posting things that I doubt many other people care about certainly didn't bring people in. It doesn't matter much. Rants aren't really my thing anymore, I can't work up the energy. I'm thinking about starting to use this more again now for things that have more to do with me and my emotions/experiences, but I may let that fall through depending. It would be nice to get myself in the habit of being open here to help tear down my emotional walls, but it might just be tiring. TANGENT: I find it odd that I never seem to see anyone else making plans they don't care about the success of.

 I'm much more certain, however, in the future of this blog serving as a sort of archive for things that were important to me at a given time. So I've been collecting links. Honestly it's kind of dumb to talk about an archive and then use a whole bunch of links that will probably decay within a couple years as the base of it, but I'll put some thought into how to back stuff up later. Maybe I can just use links if the WayBack machine or something is capable of retrieving the information.

I meant to sort through all these and write summaries like last time, but there are a lot of them. I think next time I'll write the post incrementally as I accumulate links.

Important things-
We're watching: malls track shopper's cell phone signals to gather marketing data
Getting Ready For When The Industry Tries To Kill 3D Printers | Techdirt
Feminist Porn: Sex, Consent, and Getting Off
Letters of Note: To My Old Master
Jonathan Coulton
Indiana Senate passes bill putting religion in science class
The Shadow Banking System: A Web of Financial Fraud | Common Dreams
One Nation, Under Guard | Techdirt
Joshua Klein on the intelligence of crows | Video on TED.com
SkepticsvRealistsv3.gif (GIF Image, 813 × 555 pixels)

Prince Charles presents proof of profit in sustainable fisheries | Environment | guardian.co.uk


Islam is as Islam does
          ...I'm glad I caught this. I don't agree with all of these. This link is     here because I think it's horrible and people should know that this kind of thinking exists and is influencing people. There's probably others like this.

With its deadly drones, the US is fighting a coward's war | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

Benefit cuts are fuelling abuse of disabled people, say charities | Society | The Guardian

Canada’s C-11 Bill and the Hazards of Digital Locks Provisions | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Slavery Lives on in the United States | Truthout

2011 Green Party Platform - True Democracy | Green Party of Canada

BBC News - The man who hears colour
It's Official: Money Now Governs America | Common Dreams
When Does Violence Matter? | Common Dreams

A lot of these are about the states. There are two reasons for this: I haven't found many local news sources I like, and they're a big bully that doesn't mind pushing it's views on others so it's hard to ignore them.

Disclaimer: these are by no means all the things I found to be important recently. They're just things I felt like sharing as I read them. 

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