March 5, 2010


I had a dream last I slept. It started like an actual story, there was a narrator who explained things as the camera panned through the town it took place in. It was a very well developed town, the architecture and scenery and such all made sense together, but everything wasn't all the same. A lot of stone, a lot of wide angles. There was even evidence of different architectural traditions coming together. Especially looking at the differences in the churches, it hints at different cultures colliding in the place at one point. It was a pretty beautiful place. It was set in Newfoundland, but I've never been there so I'm not sure if everything in the scenery was realistic. The town was on the ocean, but it was hidden from sight from most of the village by elevated rock.

The rock was the kind with lots of parallel sorta slots in it, with lots of intense rises and falls. Really fun to climb, reminded me of the north except that there was a lot of this green moss stuff on the edges of it. I don't mean that really puffy soft moss, or that hard flaky moss, but the moss that really sticks to a rock and has a sort of pebbled texture when you run your finger on it. On the wet parts, I don't think there would be anything more treacherous, but it never came up. The rest of the village wasn't super rocky or anything, I guess it was in some sort of extended dip in the bedrock. There wasn't a whole lot of large plant life in the town, explainable by the rock no doubt being quite near the soil, but the grass and other small plants were vibrant and healthy and almost blinding in their greenness.

The plot wasn't as important to me and it's pretty fuzzy in my head, that which made sense to begin with. To start with, it explains the earnest and capable teacher in the village, who taught a diverse number of subjects that were listed but I do not remember. Unfortunately, he was a local and teaching was not his only duty. To compensate for the time he spent in the classroom and not doing whatever he did to feed himself, he had to charge more money than most were comfortable with. Eventually, he was replaced with two far less capable people who were better able to divvy up their time and the former teacher became a simple tutor for some of those with more money instead. The school is of no real importance to the story, but the two men are the cause of the conflict somehow, and are dicks. This is just some backstory for them, and how they got into a position where they could do whatever it is they did.

The person I see the story through is never really explained, and I'm not sure if he starts off as young as he is or if he becomes that way in the dream. Something... I think it has to do with a painting or something, brings a fleet of impressive wooden ships down on the town. I guess that means it's not in modern times. There cannot be resistance, the town has nothing to fight back with. They aren't going to kill us or anything, they are simply going to relocate the townspeople to a place where they can keep watch over them. Which is the middle east for some reason. The "king" of the invaders is present, and I basically grab him and run around town and explain why it's awesome. Which is a very childish thing to do, and might explain why I am a child and he morphs into one. I basically blow his mind with how awesome it is, aided no doubt by how quickly he sees everything. This dream was no different from my other ones in that I can very nearly fly in it and consider it normal. This is the majority of the dream, just running around, exploring parts of this town, climbing the rocks, looking at beautiful things. Then we run into a modified version of my dad's house from when I was a kid at the top of the rocks near the coast, presumably heading back to the docks where the invaders are. I don't remember anything past that. I woke up sweaty, like I always do after dreams where I move a lot.

So yeah, I've got pretty complex dreams. I'm a lucid dreamer, there's always a part of me who knows I'm dreaming and a part that doesn't. The part that doesn't is the audience, and the part that does spins tales with the subconscious to tell to it. I'm getting better at it actually, the stories and even GRAPHICS keep getting better. It's pretty awesome. I don't get nightmares probably because of this.

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