March 24, 2010


It was requested, so I might as well. What is it to be human? Well, it means you have DNA within a certain range, and I'd say it means you need to be a complete organism. A comatose person or a vegetable is still human, even though they've lost the mental qualities we normally associate with humanity.

However, we do have tendencies related to our species. Although that has little to do with the question, I feel this post is incomplete without looking at them, so I will. First, our general shape. Second, fight or flight, good sensation bad sensation type instincts shared by most animals. Third, Intellect strong enough to let us defy our instincts almost completely if desired. Fourth, intricate societal structure made possible through our advanced communication. Fifth, the instinct and intellect to use things.

Those are what I can think of.
 What did you expect?


  1. :P Pretty much exactly this. Amusing nonetheless. x3

  2. Well, I'm glad you're amused. What's your position?

  3. To live, love, and hurt, to feel, to be individual but to reach out for each other, to be imperfect but to always strive for perfection, to suffer though it makes us stronger, to create. To be the mirror of God, not as good, but as close as we can get on this world.
    But to have the capacity for free will, to choose ill if we so desire.

    So, to be human:
    To feel both joy and sorrow, to have a choice between "should I do" or "should I not do," to express through creation our interior world, and to reach out to each other.

    Roughly. :P

  4. I like mine better :P I'm a science-y type.
