December 30, 2009

Because asking people on the internet always helps.

When you look in history, you see a bunch of people trying to do the right thing in the end, killing and doing things they don't want to be able to get the power to help shape the world after they have it. Looking at periods of unrest in early China and such, you will see many of these people. The problem is, they rarely actually get enough power before they fail and die, or to hold onto that power they are forced to always follow their initial violent means. They seek right, but end up doing only wrong. It annoyed me that they couldn't see this, and seek a life where only good is introduced, rather than a life where good greatly outweighs the bad.

However, now that it's come down to me, it doesn't seem so clear. I've been debating, on a much smaller scale, what path my own life should take ideally. One path leads to zero consumption, zero participation in any systems I do not approve. The other is acknowledging that the gain these systems acquire from only my presence in them is insignificant, and tries to use them to my advantage to fight them. Investing money for instance, to gain enough money to help fund my own initiatives. To separate myself from the problem, or to risk hypocrisy and fight the problem, this is the question I must answer.

I probably won't reach either extreme of course due to my own laziness, and they aren't totally totally opposed, but I need to start planning what I will become. Choosing here is a necessary step. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. good luck with this initiative. It's a common interest, and don't beat up yourself for your laziness too much. Pick a single goal/target and go after your goals one at a time.
