January 7, 2010


A collection of random short thingies. It may become a series.

Ok, so I was randomly thinking about words again earlier. I haven't actually checked it out yet, but I think the two most common phrases for keeping your weight down and your strength up are now off limits for me. Think about it, Getting in "Shape" puts a lot of emphasis on appearance rather than strength, and staying "Fit" really sounds like it's about clothes sizes. As I don't believe either word properly demonstrates the real benefits of working out and only stresses the shallow pressures of society subliminally, I now need to figure out how function without those two common words. Any replacement suggestions?

Two random quiz things which sort of stuck in my mind despite their silliness are: a breakdown of your elemental (fire, earth, wind, water) composition, and a quiz about which of the seven deadly sins you are. I find the first makes an excellent personality test, and the second was just weirdly accurate and seemed to have one that applied to one person more than the others each time. For the record, I consider myself 55% wind, 35% earth, 9% fire, and 1% water approximately. I'm also obviously sloth.

If you know me long enough, you'll probably at some point hear me make a reference to "Applesauce". It's from one of the sequels of my favourite book ever, Idlewild. I was rather disappointed with the book itself, but I found this one thing to be entertaining. The main characters are cryogenically un-freezing a huge number of people. They decide to unfreeze everyone, even though the majority of those who could afford the freezing were really rich corporate assholes. However, it was decided that just leaving it at that was far too risky for the health of the new world, and a secret project by some of the main characters was put into effect: locating the potential "bad apples", and putting little bombs in their heads. The codeword to activate the system to explode one of them was "Applesauce". It is now one of my favourite words, although that should not be taken to mean that I agree with the way they did things in the book.

Finally, a question. Pen and paper roleplaying games are really really fun. Do any of you play? And if so, what kinds?


  1. Replacements for the first two words?
    Healthy and capable! :) "If you don't have your health...well, you haven't got anything."

  2. I don't think capable really flows, but healthy does. Thanks.

  3. It depends on what you define capable as. being able to lift anything you want? Yeah, but healthy is what I always use, because that's what you want to be. Not more attractive or skinny...just healthy!

    And you're welcome.

  4. It's because while being strong is certainly one aspect of capability, it addresses much more than just that. Thus, unless you narrow it down somehow, people will not understand if you just say "I'm trying to keep capable". Healthy, works.

    It seems I'm rather slow on the draw with this, I had not noticed the issue before.

  5. Understandable. Most people will never think about it.
