January 13, 2010

Geiger counter

There are unlimited ideas in the world, and thus unlimited things for me to write about here, but it still gets hard every now and then.

I guess I'll talk about philosophy, or whatever the stuff that comes from my head is. A big thing for me has always been finding the axioms of my own beliefs: those things with I hold to be unequivocally true which serve as the atomic structure of everything I believe. As time went on it became more and more clear that there was really only one for me. The only things I consider absolute (although they may not be, totally) are the actual rules of what we know as the universe, but my own gut feeling and chaos theory both tell me that the system isn't the only thing which exists: there is free choice, and unlimited potentials for the universe. That means I don't believe in any absolute morality or a preset system of values for things. Where then does value (or meaning)spring from then, as I no doubt feel it? The answer I found was: "Within everyone". For while there is one system which sustains us all and has one definite truth, there exist countless beings which have presence more than physical, a Personality that offers it's own perspective and creates it's own values. To some, God is the sole decider of a value: to Me, everyone is the God of their own universe which only they can see. God's universe is no more special than another's. Value then, is a relative thing to how much it is VALUED. Valuing being an action only beings with Personality can achieve. Personality, being yourself to your fullest, is the best thing you could ever do according to me.

My respect for education, my negative liberty, my Anarchy, and my disdain for what stifles individuals potential all come from this. Which is kinda cool. Any thoughts? Was I unclear on anything? Do you perhaps have a name for what I believe? No matter what it is, feel free to comment.

PS: I've also been curious about Buddhism for a while, and there's a Buddhist place here in Fredericton. They have open houses Wednesday's apparently. I'm gonna do a bit of preliminary research, and then I'm going to go check it out. Next week or the week after probably. Anyone else interested?


  1. This is something I've been thinking about lately, and really all I call it is perspective. Whatever has value and whatever is important to you is your own perspective. It's how much value you personally place on it. And everything is biased.

    Also, I concur with your dislike of things that take away from being an individual.

  2. Oook, I got very lost in this...

  3. Is there anything in particular that confused you? I don't know how to address that.
