January 7, 2010

As awesome as a penguin in a tophat would be...

So, I want a tattoo. Thus, I will get one. I've been thinking of what I want for a long time, but the only sort of artistic thing I wanted, a wolf blended with a scorpion from a dream I had once and have since regarded as what my familiar would be if I could have one, I have been totally unable to transfer from my brain onto paper. I finally figured out what I want other than that though, I just need to work out a couple details. The words "No Fear" on the back of my right shoulder is basically optimum. I'd like to keep it fairly stark, but things like font and such I don't know yet. Black.

Fear is... Annoying. Sometimes when you want something, you need to chuck out whatever the consequences are and just take it. I guess it's just that I'm big on freedom, and fear is the hardest oppressor to get rid of. "Stop worrying, just jump out of the plane already, haven't you ever wanted to fly?" ...That kind of thing.

The same day, just for fun, I might do something stupid like my hair. Like dye it purple. Also, if it wasn't too expensive for me to bother, I'd get a lipring to wear for that one day. Not one of those centre of the lip ones though. It would be cool to freak people out. Oh, and maybe some of those really colourful contacts too.



  1. Dying part of my hair purple as soon as I get my dye back from my friend. Also, I declared to my mother that I'm getting a tattoo just monday. I've wanted one for a while as well. Shoulder, too :P Freedom is one of my biggest issues - it's actually one of the main reasons I'm not in a relationship. And I want my tattoo to be a bird in flight with a broken chain around it's foot. Basically saying the same thing as "No Fear".

    It's kind of interesting to see some of my thoughts and fears modeled on another person, Mark. I guess that means we're both cool ;)

  2. Wow, that's actually pretty awesome. Go random similarities! Freedom doesn't really have anything to do with why I'm not in a relationship though.

    I accept your hypothesis. We are cool.

  3. Agreed.

    However, Zoo, I might not be able to work with your birdy, but I can definitly do text if either of you is interested in it. :) And best of all! FREE OF CHARGE! THOUGH, Mark, if you are going to go a bit crazy WAIT until Freddi. 'Cause it'd be awesome to go with ya. And if I can man up and go with ya when you get your tattoo, well, I might just get over my own fear of getting one. :P Though Confidence is my big thing, and I am in a relationship... BUT still cool.

  4. Don't worry, I'll be waiting a bit, and you're invited. I'm sorta afraid you'll decide they're awesome though and your parents will kill me :P I'd much appreciate it if you could help me with what my tattoo should look like, Jessi.

  5. I might see if Fin will draw my birdy :) And I might get it by myself...just to be badbutt...
